
We are young South Asians from different fields of journalism, policy research, youth action, data science, and prevention of violent extremism. We are a volunteer collective committed to scrolling the hate away!

We lost Roshini Kumari, one of our co-founders in August, 2022. She believed in an inclusive world beyond hate. As we mourn, we appreciate everyone who supported us through our grief. Her values and aspirations would always guide our endeavors at DID.

Past members for the Safe Digital Space Fellowship: Phase I

Shagun Sharma, Zubair Madni, Baksheesh Sachar, Mannat Dhillon, Alino Chishi, Fayzullah Fayz


The research award from UNESCO and the Liiv Center enables our digital anthropological interventions against online gender discrimination in South Asia.

We are supported by GYM local solutions grant,  empowering youth action against misinformation through capacity building, research, and advocacy. 

The Dignity in Difference project was supported through a kick-starter grant from the ALLY project, funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of partners, including The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers/ Finn Church Aid, United Network of Young Peacebuilders, Rural Development Society (India), Youth for Peace International, Centre for Communication and Development of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), Youth Development Foundation (Pakistan) and Sri Lanka Unites (Sri Lanka).